Binance CEO Condemns Nigeria For Inhumane Treatment Of Detained Executive

Binance CEO Condemns Nigeria For Inhumane Treatment Of Detained Executive

By: Eliza Bennet

Binance CEO Richard Teng has publicly criticized the Nigerian government for its severe treatment of Tigran Gambaryan, an American executive of the exchange who has been detained since February. In a post on September 3, Teng highlighted a viral video showcasing Gambaryan struggling to walk into a courtroom, stating, "This inhumane treatment of Tigran must end. He must be allowed to go home for medical treatment and to be with his family."

'I'm a F*cking Innocent Person'

The video, which has circulated widely, shows Gambaryan limping into an Abuja courtroom on September 2. Despite his request for a wheelchair, prison authorities denied him, forcing him to drag his left leg behind him. His attempt to lean on a correctional officer for support was also rejected, leaving him reliant on a single crutch. In the video, Gambaryan is heard lamenting, "[The prison guard] was told not to help me. He said there's instruction – this is f*cked up. Why couldn't I use a goddamn wheelchair? This is a show. I'm a f*cking innocent person. Why are you doing this to me?"

Observers have noted that the footage matches the concerns raised by Gambaryan's family, who have repeatedly reported that his health has significantly deteriorated while in Nigerian custody. Gambaryan's legal team has filed a new bail application on medical grounds on September 2, urging the judge to release him so he can receive treatment for multiple health issues developed in prison, including malaria, pneumonia, tonsillitis, and a herniated disc causing severe pain and nearly immobilizing him.

Despite the severe health complaints, Nigeria's Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has opposed the bail request, arguing that Gambaryan is not in poor health. However, the judge has ordered that Gambaryan be allowed the use of a wheelchair, with proceedings set to continue on September 4.

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