Former President Trump Casts Doubt on CBDCs and AI, Describes Them as 'Hazardous'

Former President Trump Casts Doubt on CBDCs and AI, Describes Them as 'Hazardous'

By: Isha Das

Former President Donald Trump recently raised significant concerns regarding the rise of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and advances in artificial intelligence (AI).

During an interview on Fox's Sunday Morning Futures, Trump stressed that CBDCs potentially enable increased governmental surveillance and control over individual's finances, asserting they can be 'a very perilous thing', thus jeopardizing personal autonomy.

In terms of AI, Trump highlighted its dual nature, recognizing its potential for innovation but warning of its capacity for deception and disruption. He called upon for its immediate regulation and control to prevent misuse, citing AI induced deepfake videos as a major concern.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, Trump's stance on these matters is expected to spark vigorous discussion on issues surrounding technology, privacy, governmental control, and digital currencies.

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