Former President Trump's Views Soften on Bitcoin: Sees Need for Regulation

Former President Trump's Views Soften on Bitcoin: Sees Need for Regulation

By: Eliza Bennet

Former President Trump has recently changed his stance towards Bitcoin, signalling a particular interest in the regulation of the cryptocurrency. In conversations this past week, Trump suggested he could 'live with it one way or the other' displaying a more relaxed attitude towards Bitcoin than before.

He further commented that Bitcoin 'has taken a life on its own' emphasizing the growth and continuance of the digital currency. However, he strongly voiced the sentiment that as Bitcoin proliferates, a level of regulation will probably be required.

Despite being a controversial asset, Bitcoin never slowed down and only gained more traction, which hints towards a potential need for increased regulations in the world of cryptocurrency. More details can be found at the reputable crypto company website.

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