Google Cloud Expands Blockchain Data With Addition of 11 New Networks

Google Cloud Expands Blockchain Data With Addition of 11 New Networks

By: Isha Das

Google Cloud's BigQuery data warehouse has grown its blockchain data storage by adding 11 new public datasets. These new additions include Avalanche, Arbitrum, Cronos, Ethereum Görli testnet, Fantom, Near, Optimism, Polkadot, Polygon mainnet, Polygon Mumbai testnet, and Tron. This expansion allows users to obtain diverse data from these networks.

Google's BigQuery data warehouse is an essential service that allows enterprise firms to store their data and make content-rich queries. Public datasets provided by the service can be queried, which include Google Trends, American Community Service demographic data, Google Analytics, and more. The data warehouse has been storing historical data on Bitcoin since 2018, providing faster access than can be obtained directly from the blockchain. Ethereum was added later that year, expanding blockchain data coverage that now includes a total of 19 blockchain networks after the recent update.

In addition to growing its blockchain data coverage, Google has implemented new features designed to simplify blockchain queries. It introduced a series of user-defined functions, which handle long-form decimal results often found on blockchains. These improvements provide users longer decimal digits for their blockchain data and reduce rounding errors in computation.

Google Cloud has exhibited increasing interest in blockchain technology during 2023. It joined forces with Voltage, a Lightning Network infrastructure provider, in July and partnered with Web3 startup Orderly Network in September to aid in providing off-chain components for decentralized finance.

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