LedgerX Operating in Grey Area as New CFTC Rule Surfaces

LedgerX Operating in Grey Area as New CFTC Rule Surfaces

By: Eliza Bennet

A new regulatory proposal from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), focusing on the regulations for Futures Commission Merchants (FCMs) and Derivative Clearing Organizations (DCOs), leaves the operational model of crypto platform LedgerX in a grey area. The proposal mandates FCMs and DCOs to invest customer funds in highly liquid assets, a provision not entirely encompassing the practices of LedgerX.

LedgerX diverges from the typical role of FCMs as intermediaries by establishing direct client connections, leaving it uncertain how the rule will adapt to such avant-garde entities. Concerns have been raised by Commissioner Kristin Johnson, pointing out that the regulatory framework is lagging behind the quick evolution of the industry. LedgerX is a part of Miami International Holdings (MIH) and is recognized for its efforts to settle cryptocurrency transactions directly for clients, a departure from the traditional practice of involving intermediaries.

Moreover, LedgerX has managed to obtain several CFTC registrations, buttressing its operations with enhanced consumer safeguards, such as asset segregation. Commissioner Johnson has voiced her support for a revised regulatory framework that would afford equal protection for retail clients, irrespective of whether they trade through intermediaries or directly with non-intermediated DCOs.

The discussion is currently open to public feedback, presenting a substantial opportunity to address the regulatory shortcomings highlighted by Commissioner Johnson. The responsibility now lies with the CFTC to ensure that regulatory measures remain congruent with the ever-changing derivatives market, to safeguard retail customers' interests, and uphold a fair environment in the rapidly evolving digital financial sector.

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