OpenAI's Breakthrough AI Model 'Q*' Linked to CEO Sam Altman's Ousting

OpenAI's Breakthrough AI Model 'Q*' Linked to CEO Sam Altman's Ousting

By: Eliza Bennet

A new report suggests that Sam Altman's recent temporary dismissal as CEO of OpenAI stems from the development of an innovative AI model known as 'Q*'. This model is described as a considerable step towards reaching Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), a landmark in artificial intelligence space. As Reuters reports, Altman compared the relevance of an unspecified OpenAI breakthrough to the influence of the first iPhone release, hinting at the revolutionary nature of Q*.

The innovative capabilities of Q*, especially in terms of solving complex mathematical tasks, triggered OpenAI staff researchers to raise ethical and safety concerns to the board. Notably, Q* has demonstrated the capacity to solve mathematical problems at the level of primary school maths, which has generated optimism around its future abilities.

However, despite the optimism, the rapid advancement in AI technologies invites vital questions about safety, control, and ethical use. The development of highly advanced AI systems necessitates a cautious and responsible approach towards AI research and deployment.

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