UniSat Wallet Aligns with Ordinals Jubilee Upgrade, BRC-20 Creator Expresses Concerns

UniSat Wallet Aligns with Ordinals Jubilee Upgrade, BRC-20 Creator Expresses Concerns

By: Eliza Bennet

UniSat Wallet confirmed its support for the upcoming Ordinals Jubilee upgrade amidst ongoing discussions surrounding BRC-20 token standard's evolution and governance, operating on the Ordinals Protocol. This commitment aligns with the broader strategy to maintain protocol consistency, ensuring BRC-20 tokens' continued integration.source

On the other hand, Domo, the pseudonymous creator of the BRC-20 token standard, raised concerns about the rush to update and the potential aftermath. Domo emphasized the complexities and risks of incorporating new updates into the BRC-20 standard, highlighting the need for robust testing and coordination.source

UniSat also announced plans for launching a major whitepaper on January 31, 2024, anticipated to bring significant advancements for BRC-20, Ordinals, Bitcoin, and the community at large. The Jubilee upgrade is set to occur at block 824,544, which should be reached this week.

Though Jubilee is not universally deemed a 'fork', it can also be interpreted as a 'split'. It refers to the co-existence of different rule sets on the same blockchain. A fork typically implies a divergence in the blockchain, leading to two separate chains that do not interact with each other.

The proposed Jubilee upgrade addresses the issue of 'cursed inscriptions' - unrecognized inscriptions by the first version of the protocol. The upgrade aims to reassign these inscriptions, establishing a benchmark for protocol development and governance.

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