Universal ZK Rollup 'PI Squared', Backed by NASA Tech Unveiled on MultiversX

Universal ZK Rollup 'PI Squared', Backed by NASA Tech Unveiled on MultiversX

By: Isha Das

A new development in blockchain scaling solutions, PI Squared, has been revealed by Runtime Verification, a top-tier security audit firm based in Illinois. This news was announced during the MultiversX organized xDay conference. In collaboration with the MultiversX blockchain and backed with the tech developed by NASA, PI Squared aims to streamline the verification of computational claims using mathematical proofs.

PI Squared, the universal ZK Rollup, minimizes the need for transactions to be validated using traditional methods, promising a more secure and efficient blockchain ecosystem. The universal proof checker utilized by PI Squared deploys a bespoke ZK circuit, demonstrating a unique approach to the advanced scalability of Layer 1 blockchain networks. Furthermore, being programming language and virtual machine (VM) agnostic, it is welcoming to a wide variety of developers, users, and businesses.

The MultiversX blockchain platform is set to benefit immensely from PI Squared as it has been designed to detect subtle bugs and logic flaws right from the creation phase of projects. Its introduction to the blockchain scene comes as part of an attempt to raise security standards while also easing accessibility, given the recent trend of hacking incidents and smart contract exploits.

Demystifying blockchain-based projects and appealing to businesses, the impeccable offering from Runtime Verification significantly bolsters the reliability and safety of computing systems, thrusting MultiversX towards the frontiers of blockchain application.

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